Friday, May 16, 2014

I realize these pictures are dark

but the white of these earrings looked good with my white shirt. That with the white steam coming out of the pink coffee cup doodle on my apron made for a cute work outfit today. Bonus for lil ponytail.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

February/March/early April pictures

This picture is called 'Lilly's hair looks nice.'

I painting I was working on a little while ago - I've done about three of these by now! The way the Doctor described Gallifrey always gave me such inspiration. So, yeah. Not a bad little art space goin' on.

The following is some pages of my Sociology notebook; I took pictures of the answers I was writing so I could study them for the end-of-the-week test essay.

Recently my hair's been doing kinda doing cool things. Those earrings were neat, though, 'cuz they matched a scarf of the same teal colors and gold lining.

And eyyy, Broadchurch came in the mail! I started rewatching with subtitles right away, and the last couple days I've been re-rewatching episodes at random.

This was all the same day (March 31) - before and after the first episode I spent long stretches working on this Saraswati tesselation, the second time doing all the painstaking painting (though drawing each picture congruent to another so they all fit together was pretty tiring; I spent the end-of-day study hall doing most of that).

Using this panda cup for all painting! The colors of the cup and the size just seem meant for the job, I think. Plus the shape is a stationary paint-water-holder.

I wore an outfit to work. The owl earrings blended in with my hair, so I mangled most of my hair back with rubber band. Not a bad result.

Yes I like that look; look at that hair - I'll be pulling it back more often. A good picture in general, lookit that lighting. Yeah

Here's the book schedule for Slaughterhouse-Five because I gave it to Amy:

Aaand us cuties unintentionally matching not only each other, but the sign.

My comfy half-day colthes. I didn't realize that my white shirt not only matched my socks that I picked the night before, but also the boxers I had sitting around that I just flung on. 

Gratuitous tea pictures. All the books I have been reading in the last couples months, but that's being generous. I haven't touched Fellowship in a while, and for The Prince I haven't attempted anything past the several-paged introduction. I bought The Unwanted Child on a whim a couple days ago, 'cuz I've read one of the author's other books. Vonnegut is a reread for class, but my attitude towards it is as noncommittal as a shrug. What Would Your Character Do? isn't as useless as I thought it would be, sort of helpful. Which is important, since I can't bring myself to keep planning the developing plot and write when I don't know the characters as well. Also, Point Pleasant is nearly a reread (this would be my third time), but only the first time I've read the book version. So I'll most likely finish it before all these other ones.

Kelly said I'd like this mug. I do. I wasn't sure I had a style, but this fits it I guess.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

New teapot from Churchill!

Remember that time the British wanted China's tea and China was like "lol no barbarians you have nothing we want" and then the British found opium and China suddenly lost a lot of its silver and tea because I sure do

(I haven't had any Earl Grey in months.)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

miscellanous mall pictures

Spilling out of that one like the Pillsbury doughboy. I would have considered a larger size.

I liked this one. It was sorta short, though.

ROCK SUGAR for tea:

The Prince

From the mall yesterday; set the book down like this at Barnes n' Noble, recreated the pose later. 

Only two pages in, and was already underlining. This one will be useful, I can tell. There are books we get from BnN now and then that are just a bit stilted in their reading, like that Freud Dream Interpretation book of Kelly's, or that Plato book from her philosophy club.

I've wanted to read The Prince ever since The First Muslim kept mentioning Machiavelli in reference to Muhammad's rise to power, from religious leader and arbitrator in Medina to a political force.

(In fact, I was making my way to the religion section yesterday, because it's just a fantastic little corner - surrounded by history and feminism and political books - and was stopped by the philosophy section a shelf over. I skimmed for Hobbes before coming across The Prince! There were three copies, so I ruled out the more expensive hardcover, and then just picked the red one because the other had an indeterminate price; also, I liked the simplicity of this cover.)

New teas!

Watson: Irish breakfast, cinnamon, earl grey green.
Mrs. Hudson: almond, black assam.

It only took 48 hours for the teas to arrive! I ordered them after school to just get them in the mail as soon as possible, and wow that was quick.

After a nap I tried Hudders in a thermos. After drinking for a while, I will say that it's good, but not amazing. It tastes like a half-hearted Aziraphale, since that had almond as well, but also gingerbread.

Just drinking Watson now, and it as perfect as I remember. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

This was the worst picture I took but I'm laughing so hard

Anyway here is what I am drinking:

[The tea's really the same as the last few days I just keep putting it in different mugs and such)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Pictures from yesterday! I just put 'em all up because

Chili for supper! I figured we were just gonna sit at the table to eat, but then the others wanted to watch Tangled, since Grandma had never seen it.

The green mug was originally for myself, but after sitting down Kelly teased me once again how there was a lack of tea made for her. This isn't the first time she's asked, so I just huffed, handed the mug over to her, and made myself the same kind of tea (tropical hibiscus).

Amusement transpired as Kelly's blanket matched the mug, so I got my own bed sheets to match my mug.

[Don't tell Heidi we watched Sherlock without her but it's ok since we're going to rewatch the episode tonight and I mean come on there were so many detials and one-liners we missed anyway, and it's a detetive show so of course we're gonna watch it more than once]

This last one's my "done" face because I had to pause the show while the Moma took a picture.